Venue: Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali, Bangladesh
Date: September 23-25, 2022
Conference Site:
Submissoin: Workshop proposal is required to send in PDF format at the email:
The goal of the workshop is to provide knowledge, practical skills and interactive experience on the field of artificial intelligence, associated emerging technologies and hands-on projects from renowned academia and industry personnel. We encourage and invite interested people to submit a proposal for the workshops. We hope this session will inspire innovative ideas in the scientific communities.
The workshops of MIET 2022 will take place for half-day or full-day sessions at NSTU.
*Depending on the situation of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and other reasons, the workshop will arrange virtually*.
We encourage prospective organizers to submit proposals for highly interactive workshops (either full day or half day) focusing on either in-depth hands-on analysis or broad-ranging approaches.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:
Machine Learning and Cognitive Computing
Information systems
Sensing and security
Data analytics and computing
Each workshop proposal follows two sections and addresses each corresponding point:
Submitted Proposals will be reviewed by a small subset of the main conference’s program committee. Acceptance will be based on:
1. Organizer
Name: organizers’ full names
Contact information: affiliations, job titles, postal addresses, e-mail addresses, URLs, and phone
Brief biography:100-200 words, focusing on the organizers’ expertise in the field and experience as workshop organizers
2. Proposal Format
Title: Title of the workshop with the acronym
Abstract: max. 300 describing the workshop
What are the topics, themes, and areas of interest of the workshop?
Why is the topic current and important?
How will it make an impact on the community?
Relevance and audience
How is the workshop relevant to MIET 2022?
How does the workshop connect MIET 2022 to other research communities?
Half/full-day, planned activities and tentative schedule of events.
The intended number of audience/participants.
The profile of the ideal target audience.
Required equipment/set up for the completion of the workshop
What the participant’s next steps/goal should be after the workshop?
Goals and expected result:
Explicitly state the goals of the workshop how do you intend to reach the audience.
What are the expected results of the workshop?
Please prepare a whole copy of your proposal with following title "Submission of MIET 2022 Workshop Proposal: XXX", where XXX should be replaced by the short name of your workshop.
The submission and selection process for the MIET 2022 will be separate from that of the main conference. Each submission will be assessed by the workshop evaluation committee. The authors will receive a brief evaluation report with the notification.
The evaluation criteria are:
Relevance with the MIET 2022
Significance and originality
Diverse and underrepresented teams or speakers will be encouraged
Diversity of topics
Organization: maturity and readiness of the content
Experience and ability to organize/demonstrate in a well-organized process
Potential for public interaction
Potential impact in the intended application domain
** If multiple submissions on the same or similar topics are received, the organizers may be encouraged to merge their workshops.
Submission Deadline: March 01, 2022
Acceptance Notification: May 01, 2022
Handouts Submission Deadline: March 01, 2022
Schedule:To be announced
Registration Deadline: May 30, 2022
Conference Date: September 23-25, 2022
Notes:All deadlines are 23:59h AoE(anywhere on Earth)
* Notes: All deadlines are 23:59h AoE (anywhere on Earth)
* At least one author of each accepted demonstration is required to register and attend the conference to carry out the demonstration
If you have any questions about workshops, feel free to contact with workshop chair.
Nishu Nath, ICE, NSTU
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