Nijhum Dwip is a small island under Hatiya upazila which is situated in Noakhali District in Bangladesh. Once it was called as Char Osmani, Baluar Char, Golden Island. During winter, thousands of migratory birds are flocking into this island. It was named 'Nijhum Dwip' by former Minister Amirul Islam Kalam in 1975 observing its isolation and mild nature. The population in Nijhum Dwip in 2016 was 25,000+. Their main occupations are cultivation, fishing and livestock farming. The fishermen use the airy and sunny land as an ideal place for drying their catches from the sea. The inhabitants of this island cultivates fruits, vegetables and other things. In this island, there are found six big bazaars that consists of various grocery shops, trivial restaurants and drug stores. Also, some NGO's and other organizations like Proshika, Human Development Centre and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) are involved with their development projects on this island. Several hotels/motels/guest houses can accommodate travelers in the Nijhum Dwip. Some of them have also provided electricity by generators. Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation also has a hotel which is the earliest one of all.
The Gandhi Ashram Trust (GAT), also called the Ambika-Kaliganga Charitable Trust, is a philanthropic and development organization which is situated at Noakhali, Bangladesh. When Mahatma Gandhi was visited to Noakhali in 1947, it was established based on the Gandhian philosophy of rural development, peace and social harmony to uplift living conditions of the rural poor, especially women. It has a two-pronged approach to developmental and charitable activities. Initially set up by The original owner of the premises were subsequently gifted to GAT where Ambika Kaliganga Charitable Trust had carried out charitable functions and started working for the 1946 riot victims of Noakhali. After the independence of Bangladesh in 1971, the GAT was emerged with its vision and mission in 1975. The focus of this trust is the development of better standards of living, both material and eternal. The activities such as Peace promotion, Human Development, Human Rights and Good Governance, Handicrafts promotion, Education, etc. is run at the five districts in southern part of Bangladesh.
Musapur closure is a beautiful world of green nature, wildlife, birds flock, orchard, closet between Feni river, festivals of fisheries, 23 vents regulator and broad waters. It is located at Musapur union, Companiganj, Noakhali that is also called the southern boundary of Bay of Bengal. This closure has been constructed at a cost of around 250 crores taka. It provides an attractive view of the river, wonderful experience of boat travel, fishermen, birds, quiet natural environment etc. Anyone can enjoy the rural traditions and landscapes while visiting this place. Musapur Closer is a fascinating place to visit where many people are called it as ‘Mini Cox’s Bazar’. The waves of the sea show the unique beauty of the closer that touches in mind. Department of Forest is also situated while travelling around the closer. Tourists can visit in the river by trawler or speedboat. .
Bir Shrestha Mohammad Ruhul Amin Library and Museum was established on July 20, 2008, that built on the ancestral land of the great martyr Md. Ruhul Amin in Bagpachara (e.g., present name is Ruhul Amin Nagar), Deoti Union, 25km North of Noakhali Sadar and 8km West of Sonaimuri Upazila Sadar. This institution contains 0.20 acres of land that was donated by the family members of this great martyr. It contains various modern facilities such as spacious and well-equipped reading room, library, memorial museum, reception room, and a separate room for the caretaker as well as the librarian. Anyone can travel and see the historical elements of Shaheed Ruhul Amin in here.
Bajra Shahi Jame Masjid was founded by Aman Ullah at 18th century (1741-42) during the reign of the Mughal emperor Muhammad Shah. Further, local proprietor Khan Bahadur Ali Ahmad and Khan Bahadur Mujir Uddin Ahmad had repaired and decorated it extensively with mosaics colored shards within 1911 to 1928. This mosque is located at Bazra union under Sonaimuri Upazila from 20 kilometers north of Noakhali Capital, Bangladesh and is called the "Most Notable Historical Monument" in this region. The mosque has rectangular shape which contains three domes, the middle one larger than those on either side, and octagonal towers at the four corners. The eastern facade has three doorways, the central one larger than the others. The north and south sides each has a similar doorway. The interior is divided into three bays by two multi-cusped arches. Besides, this mosque has been listed as preservation and protected sites in Department of Archaeology, Bangladesh.
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